Wednesday, January 28, 2009

300 Page Update!

The third place that Ed visits with the Ace of Spades is an old movie theatre on Bell Street. Once there, he watches Casablanca. The person that owns the theatre is named Bernie; he is a sleepy old man. He tells Ed that Keith and Daryl said he was coming, and asks Ed to come back for a free movie. Ed decides to bring Audrey and they watch Cool Hand Luke. They invite Bernie to sit with them. He does and Audrey ends up holding hands with Bernie and Ed. This is the message that Ed needed to deliver to Bernie. When Ed looks up, he sees a man in the projection room. They run up there and find a tape. It is a tape of Ed at his last five message deliveries. When the get back to their seats, there is the Ace of Hearts with the names Cat Ballou, Roman Holiday, and The Suitcase. He feels his heart beat with the Ace of Hearts.

For Christmas, Ed gives all the people he helped messages on Aces. Ed and his friends have Christmas at his house. Marv has to kiss The Doorman because he didn't have Christmas at his place. They go to the Christmas bonfire in town and Angie gives Ed an ice cream cone. After that, he walks to the cemetary and feels lonely at his dad's grave. Marv and Ritchie stay the night and on Christmas he goes to his mom's house. When she insults him, he fights back and this is a big change for him. He is finally standing up for himself. He brings Milla to his house and they have dinner together. She gives him a new suit for Christmas. He takes a taxi to Milla's and Audrey's boyfriend is his driver. He tells Ed that Audrey really does love Ed not him.

After that, Ed goes to see Bernie. He finds out that the clues of the card are the names of movies. The main actors have names similar to his three best friends: Ritchie, Marv, and Audrey. These are the people he must help. Ed goes over to Ritchie's house and watches him. Daryl and Keith show up with meat pies and tell Ed that he knows what to do. Ed sees that Ritchie is lonely and has no goals. Ritchie finds out that he is being watched and tells Ed to stop following him.

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